German DTRV founded - 23.04. 2010

Scooter-Sport in Germany and who organized Scooter Events. We are very thankful for their work and enjoyed their enthusiasm in taking part in their events; organized with all their heart. In the last few years we recognized the growth of the german Scooter-Community and even we had Plans to found an Association in the past, it took us some time.

But finally we have bundled our Enthusiasm and Forces to reach our common goal. In Mid-March we started our Association and are awaiting the official acknowledgment by the german Courts. But even without it - we started our work! We are on our Way to build up on an Association who cares about the Scooter-Sport, Scooter-Tours, the Scooter-Youth and the Community in general (for example).

With an Association in our Back we hope to reach more german Scooterists, put up german regional-based Tours, put up Scooter-only Events, get more access to other Events and want to make our Sport more popular in Germany. The Executive Committee consists of well known Scooterists, as well as motivated Scooterists who have experience in Associations or their particular Job in the DTRV. We are working hard on our first challenges: the EuroCup in Germany and the 4th german Scooter Cup 2010 (Deutscher Tretroller-Cup (DTC)).

Our official Website ( is still in work. The Website for the DTC (German Scooter-Cup) is up and awaits your visit:

Hope to see you in Germany - hope to see you soon!
Marc Nierhaus for the Executive Committee of the DTRV (Deutscher Tretroller Verband)


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