World Champinships Finland 2006 - 05.08. 2006

2006 II World Scooter Championships in Finland Day 1: 4 August , Helsinki; Sprintvictories to overseas Hermien Koers (NL), Gary Schmitt (USA) and Erwin Borremans (BEL) snatched the senior victories of the 1,2 kilometer sprint finals on the parking lot of the Olympic Stadium in Helsinki. Luckily Akseli Eskartin (FIN) won the juniors sprint, before Christian Iversen (DEN), to keep up the finnish honour. Once again Akseli proved he is soon ready for the senior class.The fast U-loop track was not only a joy for spectators, but for riders too. Fast accelarations and tight curves under the Olympic tower spiced the happening up! It was a track for the stronger ones, with little possibilities to overtake. No wonder that almost every gold medallist was leading from start to finnish. Mainly in the men´s class, with over 30 participants from 10 different countries, some new fast kickers stood up.The final was a triller! Borremans took the lead form the start. Jan Vlasek (CZ) stayed close and Hannu Vierikko tried to follow his familiar tactique, hanging behind the leaders and finishing with a superior kick, but this time Erwin was too strong for the old champion. The relayrace closed the program of the day. The changing zone was the place to be during the relay. The different changing techniques e.g by foot or hand or even by bike were spectacular and a joy for the eye! The Dutch ladies Peterina Van der Molen, Thijza Brouwer and Hermien Koers, were flying again, this time towards a great WC-relay victory. In the men´s class the newest finnish kickstars, Mika Jääskeläinen, Janne Mononen and Kai Immonen, were clearly the strongest! After the race participants enjoyed typical finnish salmon soup spiced up with carbohydratefull paella. Where some enthusiastic kickers still went for a little citytour -and as I have heard ended up in a private party- other travelled to the Oittaa outdoor area in Espoo, where the kickingraces would be based the next two days. Day 2: 5 August , Oittaa; Vikings rule in the XC-battlefield The second day of the championships was exactly what are sport needed: sun, beach, lakes,around 50 crazy kickers and a little bit different track. For the first time in the World/Eurocup a cross-country scooter race was part of the official program. The track was going over gravel roads, beaches and through the water and racers simply enjoyed it a lot. In the senior class the Finns were just outstanding, with Janne and Jaana Mononen as the big winners of the day. In the men´s race Alpo Kuusisto and Kai Immonen got the closest. The top three of woman was formed by top cross-country skiers Jaana Mononen, followed by Tuija Härkönen and Katja Kelo. In the men´s veteran race Matti Pessälä took his first victory just before Arend Van de Velde. The only one who managed to beat the Finns in the field, was Christian Iversen from Denmark, who won the junior title and finished after a tight race just before the ladies winner Jaana. After the XCrace there was still the fun-triatlon. Almost all kickers joined this fun event of 200m of lake swimming, 1km of running and 1,2km of kicking. What was amazing that all four XC winners Janne, Jaana, Matti and Christian renewed their great performances and won again! In the men´s class James Cowley from Australia took the silver. At the end of this great day people enjoyed the pasta and the lake! Only the killer marathon was still waiting... Day 3: 6 August , Nuuksio; Top times in WC full Marathon More than 40 courageous kickers from 11 different countries showed up at the final ´marathon´-day on Alpo´s world recordtrack in Nuuksio. Sun was already high up in the sky when the field started for the last big effort of the week-end. It is quite a bunch of people these kicking freaks. Almost everybody did participate in every distance during this 3 day event! That´s excatly the kicking spirit: give everything and do your very own best! The marathon was special! Not only because national Finnish television was broadcasting it but just everything seemed to fit in: a beautiful tuff track, nice uphills, even greater fast (fastest more than 70km/h) downhills, the free shower during the race and of course smiling participants. The men´s race was interesting with new kickers as Mika Jääskeläinen, Kai Imonen and adventure racing world champion Petri Forsman competing for their first kicking crown. After 30 km a leading group, of around 10 riders, was ripped into pieces. At the end Kai seemed the strongest, just before Mika. Hannu got in third and showed once again he is still one of the fastest. In the ladies race Jaana Mononen won in the second fast time ever (1:48:23)! In the veteran´s class Gary Schmitt won the duel with Matti and Arend and took his second gold medal. But let´s be honest: not only the medallist are winners, every single participant is a winner! At the endcelebration in Oittaa all participants where gathered to join the big ´participants´ lottery. For every finished distance you got one lotteryticket into the bucket Our two beautifull round ;) lottoladies picked out name after name. The main prices (´an Esla-scooter´ and the ocean blue Kickbike) travel to Czech Republic to Jyväskylä, Finland! Once again we, Helsinki scooter team Ketkupolkka, would like to thank all participants and helpers for making the II World Champs to a succesfull, enjoyable and fun event: one to remember ;)! A big thank you too to our sponsers Kickbike, Esla, Karhu Sportswear, Nordic Fitness Sports Park Helsinki, Oittaa´s Outdoor centre, FRWD, Exel, Vaude and MTA-partners who made this event and lottery possible with their supports! Erwin Borremans

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